Saturday, April 03, 2010

So I walked off alone with the polaroid camera at esplande while the rest were at the picnic mat 'cause I wanted to take some great shots before the sunset. They looked so great on the viewfinder but the results were disappointing, it was far too dark.

I was thinking how it wouldn't be a bad idea to travel overseas alone (or perhaps just one more person), with my camera and without my handphone. The thought of not having to bother about communicating with others while being immersed in what you love to do feels too great and surreal.

I still think that hanging out in a group of 3 or just with one more person would be wonderful. I don't like how hanging out in a big group strips us of quality talking time. Jokes and laughter will never be better than an honest session of opinion-sharing or discussion about issues close to the heart.

Despite all these, I still enjoyed my day out with the girls in celebration of Siyun's 18th birthday. We didn't have as much to talk about but their presence filled the gaps in my heart. At the end of everything, they're still the ones whom I'll trust the most.

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